Last Wednesday, our homestudy was officially finished and we became active to be matched! It was a relief to know everything was done with our homestudy but we're far from finished with paperwork!
Since becoming active, we've chosen to present our profile book to two birthmoms (they won't be presented simultaneously though). We haven't heard information regarding these situations yet, as it could be several days for all the books the moms will see to be compiled and sent to her. No matter the outcome, we are praying for these women and these little babies!
After our first situation to review came up, I have found myself awake far more at night. It's so humbling to read about another person in this way and I feel more burdened than ever for the plight of these women and their little ones. I also have found my thoughts racing about all the things "I" need to do to get ready, but really I am not in control! Adoption definitely makes me realize this more and more! When I was physically pregnant, I was no more in control than I am now, but I felt as though I could "do" something, even just eating healthy, for my baby. I am so glad that God is using this process to teach me daily that He is in control and I am all...not even a bit!
So where are we now? Now, we wait! We could be matched at anytime with a baby due in a few days to a few months, to one already born! It's exciting and exhausting all at the same time. In terms of paperwork, we are now able to apply for grants and loans through various organizations. Almost all grants require a completed homestudy to apply, so now we can submit those applications.
In order to help with fundraising, I've been doing a few Instagram Auctions and have raised around $250 through those! We also were able to apply for and were accpted to have an account with Adopt Together. This is an online group that allows us to "receive" donations that can be considered "tax-free". When one donates to Adopttogether, the money goes directly to the organization. In turn, we can apply for a grant based on our doantions. This makes sure the funds are being used toward our adoption and saves us from having to handle the money. Also, donors can get a tax deduction for donating! We're raised $430 there so far! We can only request grants in increments of $500 or more so we hope that we'll be able to meet that minimum to use all the funds!
If you'd like to donate to our account you can go to
We need to be prepared financially for being matched since up to half of the total adoption costs can be due at match. If our adoption is $35,000 then we'll need to pay up to half of that amount when we are matched. The rest will be due when the birth mom signs the relinquishment papers at 72 hours after the birth. If we are matched with a baby about to be born or already born, this means we could need access to a lot of funds in just a few days! To help with this process, we have a loan through our bank too! Right now, (including the federal tax credit and K's employeer donation) we have about $22,000. We're praying about ways to continue fundraising, saving ourselves, and applying for other grants and loans.
Thank you for praying along side us and supporting us. Even though financial donations help relieve a great burden, we are truly grateful for all the prayers and caring inquiries about our adoption that we receive. Each time someone says they are praying for us, the birthmom, and our baby, it gives us such hope and peace. If you feel led to doante, please use the link to our page above. Feel free to share this blog or the adopttogether link too! Even if you can't donate or even if you can only give a small amount, sharing will help spread the word too!
Every day our girls are starting to ask more and more about when "our baby" is coming! I think sometimes they believe the baby is coming UPS :)! It's so sweet to see their love for their future sibling! They are very excited about any baby item that enters our house and talk a great deal about all the things they are going to show the baby or share with him/her. It makes my heart overflow with joy! Even M told me that she would walk and hold my hand when I had to carry the baby! I love their generous hearts!
Please keep our family in your prayers as we embark on the "big wait" and as we navigate difficult decisions! We can't wait to see how God writes this story!