Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

 After trying out homemade sunscreen, bug spray, deodorant, foundation, and powder this year, I'm trying to branch out into other products for our family. We were running out of our Toms Toothpaste, so it was time to try out a homemade version. I found several recipes online and adapted this to what I wanted! 

Here's the recipe: 
2-3 tablespoons of bakingsoda 
1/2 cup of coconut oil 
2 packets of Stevia
15-20 drops of an Essential Oil like Peppermint or Cinnamon 

Combine all the ingredients and mix well. If you coconut oil is more firm, use a fork to mash it all together. Place in individual glass jars for members of your family. 

Baking soda has a long record of being great for our teeth, as does coconut oil (especially as oil pulling has gained in popularity). Stevia is a good sweetener source as it is natural! Essential Oils add flavor and have great antimicrobial/antiviral properties. 

Basically, I wanted to find something fluoride-free and easy to make. After over a week of use, I have to say that while it definitely has that baking soda salty taste, it works great. My teeth feel clean--time will tell how the health of my teeth and gums improves. After reading of the benefits of coconut oil on teeth alone, I have high hopes. 

There are many recipes out there and I also want to try this recipe to mimic Earth Paste from "Don't Waste the Crumbs

Up next: Shampoo and body wash! 

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