Friday, August 14, 2020

View from the top


    Yesterday, I finally made it back to the hospital to start my stay with Kurt. The visitation policy on Kurt's floor is always very strict and COVID has made it more so. While here, I am allowed to go downstairs to pick up food orders or things dropped off (though I should limit my visits downstairs). I cannot leave the building. If I do, my visit is over and I cannot return. Kurt only gets one visitor for this stay too. These are hard rules to navigate, though we understand and want Kurt along with the other patients to be protected. 
    Chemo begin on Wednesday. Kurt received a spinal injection of chemo, started steroids, and had two other chemo drugs via his PICC line. So far, he has tolerated those meds well. The steroids are making his glucose levels high, so he had to have that checked four times day. He also got a dose of insulin last night. The doctors have told us this will resolve once the steroids are stopped. His next dose of chemo drugs should be on Saturday. Today, we also found out that the fluid they took from his spine to check for malignancy came back negative. Praise God! We are so thankful for that good news. 
As I was making my way over to the hospital yesterday (thanks for the ride, Savannah!) it felt so odd to see UK's campus coming to life with the arrival of college students. Even in the midst of a pandemic, life marches forward. In a way, it seems as though life stopped and took a sudden, sharp dive last week. But isn't that always how these things tend to go? Sometimes, I am thankful for the sharp turns and steep dives because they don't require as much exertion during those anxious "wait and see" periods. A friend shared Psalm 57:1b with us last week: "...I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until disaster has passed..." and I keep coming back to this verse. I feel like a weak little sparrow hiding under the wings of a much stronger father. Here, we are safe from the winds and storms that rage outside of his protection. Over the last couple of days, God has granted us so much peace. For someone who tends to want to fall into anxious thoughts, this has been such a blessing. It's a blessing that I know can only come from our good Father, through the prayers of those lifting us up to Him. Last night, I slept so well. I fell back asleep each time someone came in to do vitals or other checks. The first time I awoke and realized I had been sleeping so well, I quickly breathed "Thank you, Lord" before drifting back off. Those of you who know my past sleep issues, especially sleeping in other places, will understand the miracle of this. The biggest blessing is that I know, even when I don't sleep, when the way seems dark, I am sheltered beneath his wings. 
 We want to thank everyone for their generosity, prayers, and the different ways our family is being served: from encouraging notes and messages, to gifts for the children, food and gift cards, to ice cream--we are so thankful and so blessed by you! 
Kurt was excited to get some Grater's ice cream last night! Thanks, Bekah! 

Being on the 11th floor has its advantages: a room with a view. As we look down on Lexington, we are reminded to pray for our community, our friends, and family. As we peek out into the halls on occasion, we are reminded to pray for the thirty-ish other patients on this floor. I pray God also uses this journey to open our eyes more to the needs of others in our community and how we might meet those needs through prayer or other avenues. 
Please continue to pray for Kurt as treatment progresses. We are praying for: 
-wonderful tolerance for chemo drugs 
-as few side effects as possible 
-for protection from infection
-for sleep 
-for my health to continue to be stable 
-for our children at home 
-for grandparents caring for them

Much love in Christ, 


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